Sunday, September 29, 2024

Easy Chicken Stir Fry: A Quick and Tasty Recipe

An easy and affordable chicken stir fry recipe!


An easy and affordable chicken stir fry recipe

Stir fry is a beloved cooking method that originated in China, where it has been used for thousands of years. This technique involves quickly frying small pieces of food in a hot pan or wok with a minimal amount of oil. The result is a vibrant dish that highlights fresh ingredients and a balance of flavors. As stir fry spread across the globe, it evolved, integrating diverse ingredients and culinary traditions from various cultures. Today, stir fry is celebrated not only for its delicious taste but also for its health benefits and versatility.

In this blog post, we’ll explore an easy, affordable chicken stir fry recipe that you can whip up in no time using ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen. We’ll also provide tips for making this dish even more budget-friendly. Let’s get started!


For the Stir Fry:

  • 1 lb (450g) chicken breast or thighs, sliced into thin strips: Chicken is a great protein choice, but feel free to use leftover cooked chicken or even tofu for a vegetarian option.
  • 2 cups mixed vegetables: This can be a combination of bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, snap peas, or any other veggies you have on hand, whether fresh or frozen.
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil: You can use any cooking oil you prefer, such as canola or olive oil.
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced: Garlic adds wonderful flavor and aroma.
  • 1-inch piece of ginger, minced or grated (optional): Ginger brings a spicy, aromatic kick to your stir fry.
  • 2-3 green onions, chopped (for garnish): Fresh green onions brighten up the dish.

For the Sauce:

  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce: Look for store brands to save money.
  • 1 tablespoon honey or brown sugar: You can use regular sugar if you want to keep it simple.
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch: This thickens the sauce, but you can skip it if you don’t have it.
  • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar: Adds acidity and depth to the sauce.
  • 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil (optional): A little goes a long way in adding flavor.
  • Pinch of red pepper flakes (optional): For those who enjoy a bit of heat.


  1. Prep the Sauce: In a small bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, honey (or sugar), cornstarch, vinegar, and red pepper flakes until well combined. Set aside. This sauce will provide the flavor base for your stir fry, and it can be adjusted to suit your taste preferences.
  2. Cook the Chicken: Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat. Add the sliced chicken and cook for about 5-7 minutes, stirring frequently until it’s browned and cooked through. This step is crucial, as proper cooking will ensure your chicken is juicy and tender. Once done, remove the chicken from the pan and set it aside.
  3. Stir Fry the Veggies: In the same skillet, add the remaining tablespoon of oil. Add the minced garlic and ginger, and sauté for about 30 seconds until fragrant—this step releases their essential oils and maximizes flavor. Then, toss in your mixed vegetables. Stir fry for about 3-5 minutes until they’re tender but still crisp. Remember, you want to keep that vibrant color and crunch!
  4. Combine Everything: Return the cooked chicken to the skillet. Pour the prepared sauce over the chicken and vegetables, stirring to coat everything evenly. Cook for another 2-3 minutes until the sauce thickens and everything is heated through. The cornstarch in the sauce will create a nice glaze that clings to the chicken and vegetables.
  5. Serve: Remove from heat and garnish with chopped green onions. Serve hot over rice, noodles, or enjoy on its own for a lighter meal. This dish is perfect for weeknights when you want something quick yet satisfying!

Tips for Making it Affordable

Now that you have the basic recipe, let’s explore how to make it even more budget-friendly:

  • Use Frozen Vegetables: Frozen mixed vegetables are often cheaper than fresh, and they won’t spoil quickly. They also save you the prep time of chopping fresh veggies.
  • Buy in Bulk: Purchasing soy sauce, rice, and other staples in larger quantities can save you money in the long run. Many stores offer bulk bins for grains and spices.
  • Choose Cheaper Cuts of Chicken: Chicken thighs are typically less expensive than breasts and can add more flavor. You can also buy whole chickens and use the leftovers for this recipe later.
  • Utilize Leftovers: If you have leftover chicken or veggies from previous meals, this stir fry is a perfect way to repurpose them. This not only saves you money but also minimizes food waste.
  • Skip Optional Ingredients: Don’t feel pressured to include every ingredient. If you don’t have sesame oil or ginger, the stir fry will still be delicious without them. Focus on the essentials: protein, vegetables, and sauce.
  • Make Your Own Sauce: If you don’t have all the sauce ingredients, a simple mix of soy sauce, sugar, and vinegar works just fine. You can also experiment with different sauces based on what you have on hand.

Tips for Success

  • Customize It: Feel free to add any veggies you have on hand, such as zucchini, mushrooms, or even leftover roasted vegetables.
  • Make It Ahead:  This stir fry can be made ahead and stored in the fridge for up to 3 days. Just reheat before serving.
  • Add Protein:  For extra protein, consider adding tofu, shrimp, or even a scrambled egg.

Chicken stir fry is a fantastic option for a quick, delicious, and affordable meal. With its roots in ancient Chinese cuisine, this method has evolved into a beloved cooking technique around the world. Whether you’re cooking for yourself or a family, stir fry is a great way to incorporate a variety of fresh ingredients while keeping costs low.

By following the steps in this recipe and utilizing the tips for affordability, you can create a satisfying meal that is both flavorful and economical. So the next time you’re looking for a quick dinner solution, remember the humble stir fry—it’s not just a dish; it’s a celebration of flavors, textures, and the joy of cooking! Happy cooking!

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