Saturday, February 22, 2025

Apex Legends Ushers in New Update


The Beasts of Prey Collection Event in Apex Legends just recently dropped on September 20th and hopes to offer a breath of fresh air into the game. Offering up a new game mode, new cosmetic items in the item shop, as well as patches to the game. Respawn continue to breathe life into their free to play battle royale game. With season 15 around the corner coming on November 1st. Respawn offers up this update to hopefully satisfy gamers until the new season drops. Just like with time to kill gamers are going to have to be patient and wait for the new season. However, when it drops, we can expect a tremendous amount of hype to be brought back into the game.

Gun Run

Most definitely the biggest portion of the Beasts of Prey collection event is centered around the new limited time game mode gun run. This new game mode entirely changes how the Apex formula operates. Instead of dropping into a match with several other players and squads and then looting and battling it out until only one player or squad remains, this new mode allows players to respawn. Featuring up to 4 squads which will battle each other players will constantly respawn in the game until a winner is crowned. This is a large departure from the traditional apex formula, and I believe will add a complete breath of fresh air into the Apex Community. The way this game mode functions is very similar to the old Call of Duty game mode “gun game”. Just like in gun game players spawn in with a pistol and then with every kill they get the cycle through to a new weapon. The idea is that the players get to use every gun in the game where in the original apex most players focus in on a particular favorite gun or whatever is in the meta now. The mode centers around squads and features teamwork in an interesting way compared to the original game mode. Instead of focusing on picking teammates that are down and highly focusing on positioning and movement this mode plays way more like an arcade style of first-person shooter. This may not be the original draw of Apex but with the original battle royale genre growing stale for the average gamer this new game mode has the potential to bring back a large amount of the player base back into the game.  The only other game mode that Apex has implemented that involves players respawning is the control mode from a couple seasons ago. I personally think the biggest drawback of apex is time to kill which can result in an unsatisfying deaths that result in large wait times to tr to get back into matches. But this mode takes out this gripe some players might have with wait times. The Gun Run game mode is the main draw for a lot of people in the Beasts of Prey update.

New Cosmetic Items

The Beasts of Prey Update also introduces multiple new cometic items that players can buy to spice up their characters look for the new game mode. The update introduces 24 new cosmetic items focusing on the Beasts of Prey theme hooping to install fear in any enemy gamers who see you drop in.  New skins for Horizon, Lifeline, Loba, Fuse, Pathfinder, Octane and Rampart all have new legendary skins introduced. Players can buy these new characters from the item shop but keep in mind they are only here for a limited time offer. Some other in game cometic items that will be introduced included weapon skins for many different types of weapons. So, one way to show off your new skins could be in the gun run which focus on implementing multiple type of guns into the game mode. If you are feeling lucky official Beast of Prey packs will also be available throughout the event. I personally can’t recommend gambling but if you fancy yourself lucky, this is another option to secure the new items. Additionally, if players unlock all 24 limited time items, they unlock a special heirloom for the character Loba. The “Garra de Alanza” will be sure to put fear into your enemies’ hearts. Players can also earn up to 1600 points per day for the battle pass and challenges refresh daily. All these extra features also stack with the battle pass so players can complete multiple different challenges at the same time.

Patch Notes

As for the patch notes with this update, players may be slightly disappointed as this update was more of a content update then a game patch. The bug fixes that this update focused on tackling revolve around fixing glitches with cometic items and emotes. Some optimization was done around the Ps5 but players should not expect a significant change in gameplay from this update. The only actual gameplay changes made center around a change in cost of Hammerpoint Rounds for the gun Mozambique. Changing the cost of the rounds should not affect actual gameplay for most players. One other change that has been implemented involves the sensitivity setting for a zoom in on the iron sights. Again, most changes in this update are centered around adding a significant amount of content to keep player held over until the introduction of season 15 in November. With potential leaks of a new map and legend being added the next couple of months could see a large influx of content and hype for Apex.  Considering that apex has fallen behind far behind Fortnite in popularity hopefully all this new content could bring Apex back into contention with Fortnite. A monopoly in any industry is never good so having a true competitor to Fortnite within the battle royale genre can only lead to positive outcomes for consumers.

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