Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Hangover Foods: Harmful or Harmless?


Choosing the right hangover foods can be the difference between having a productive day and staying buried under the comforter. Hangovers are brutal and finding the right “cure” is crucial. Sadly, there are no actual cures for hangovers but some foods have been scientifically proven to reduce hangover symptoms, such as fatigue, headaches, and nausea.

I think everyone has fallen victim to a “casual night out” turned into stumbling home at 3 a.m. with one shoe. Waking up to a million responsibilities while combating an excruciating headache and nausea is a battle on its own. So, I have curated a list of hangover foods and drinks to avoid and a list of foods and drinks that help with hangover symptoms.

Harmful Hangover Foods and Drinks

Greasy Foods: If you crave greasy foods when hungover, you are not alone. Excessive alcohol intake causes the body to release galanin, a neurochemical that creates a need for fatty foods. Eating greasy foods is only helpful if you eat them a few hours before you begin drinking. They help slow the absorption of alcohol in the blood by coating the stomach lining with fatty oils. However, eating greasy foods the morning after a night out will increase your hangover symptoms. Overall, greasy foods will only satisfy your appetite but make you feel even worse.

Sodas, Caffeine, & More Alcohol: Sodas, caffeine, and more alcohol only promote dehydration, which is what you are trying to fix when hungover. Chugging a cold soda may feel refreshing at the moment, but it will not satisfy your thirst in the long run. The high sugar content in sodas negatively reacts with the cells in your body, causing you to become even more dehydrated.

Caffeine is a diuretic, which is a class of drugs that aid in removing sodium and water from your body. When trying to cure a hangover, your main focus should be increasing the amount of water and sodium in your body. While a little bit of caffeine is good for gaining your energy back, you should avoid drinking an excessive amount of it.

Drinking more alcohol the morning after has been a remedy used by almost everyone for centuries. I will agree that consuming more alcohol the next morning does initially relieve hangover symptoms and can be helpful if your plans include day drinking. However, consuming more alcohol will only result in worse hangover symptoms later in the day.

Harmless Hangover Foods and Drinks

Fruits: Alcohol decreases your body’s ability to hold onto water, which leads to dehydration and the loss of electrolytes. Fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients that help restore and replenish the electrolytes your body needs. While there is an abundant list of fruits and vegetables that reduce hangover symptoms, I am only going to touch on a few of them.

Potassium is an electrolyte that helps your body maintain fluid and blood volume. Therefore, you want to eat fruits that are packed with potassium. The average banana contains about 450mg of potassium, which is 9% of the daily value each person needs.

Alcohol increases inflammation in the body, which causes general malaise. Malaise is a feeling of being unwell and is accompanied by fatigue, pain, and lack of motivation. Blueberries contain fiber, vitamin C, manganese, and potassium, which are essential nutrients for combatting malaise.

Excessive alcohol intake decreases the levels of glutathione, which is an antioxidant that is essential for the immune system’s proper functioning. It is vital for repairing cells that were damaged by the ingredients in alcohol. Vitamin C has been linked to keeping glutathione levels stable, and oranges are full of vitamin C. A standard-size orange contains about 70mg of vitamin C, which meets the daily value a person needs.

Vegetables: Like fruits, vegetables also contain high levels of nutrients that can reduce hangover symptoms.

If you are not a fan of blueberries, sweet potatoes contain high levels of vitamin A, which also reduces inflammation caused by alcohol. In fact, one cup of sweet potatoes exceeds the daily value of vitamin A by 100%. Along with vitamin A, blueberries are full of magnesium and potassium.

Asparagus contains minerals, amino acids, and enzymes that combat the symptoms of hangovers. The enzymes it contains help break down the alcohol while also protecting liver cells from further damage.

Heavy drinking also causes a decline in folate (vitamin B-9) levels. Folate promotes healthy cell growth and function. Having a lack of folate in the body causes people to feel the same symptoms of anemia. Spinach is a great vegetable to eat when hungover because it contains high levels of folate.

Meat & Fish: Meat and fish are packed with the protein your body needs the day after drinking. Research has shown that alcohol actually prevents your body from absorbing essential amino acids, which causes some of those pesky hangover symptoms. Your body breaks down protein into the amino acids that were lost the night before.

Chicken noodle soup is an excellent meal for reducing hangover symptoms. Not only does it contain the proteins needed to replenish amino acids, but it also contains high sodium levels and the essential vegetables your body needs to feel healthy again. In fact, an average bowl of chicken noodle soup contains 32% of the daily value of sodium a person needs in a day.

If you have an aversion to meat, salmon is a great alternative for a protein supplement. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that decrease inflammation caused by alcohol.

Lastly and most importantly, drink water!! I hope these foods help with your hangover. As always, roll tide!

Check out my last blog to learn about my favorite coffee shops in Tuscaloosa!

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