Tuesday, January 21, 2025

How To Stay Merry Before the Holiday Season


Traveling home for the Holidays? Worried about catching the Flu? Don’t worry we’ve got some
tips and tricks just for you to stay safe and healthy this holiday season.
Holiday season means cold season is back as well as busy airports. When traveling home
especially after being run down from work and finals, it is important to stay healthy and safe!
These are some super easy ways to keep you healthy traveling home this holiday day season. Be
sure to keep reading for our tips!
Wiping down the airplane!
Wiping down your seat on an airplane might seem like a tedious task but is one of the easiest
ways to promote staying healthy. Germs can form on trays, seatbelts, headrests, the fan and light.
Getting a simple wet wipe and wiping down your area is one of our top tricks for staying safe
while traveling home this holiday season.
Hand sanitizer
Hand sanitizer is our next tip and might some like a basic one but surely enough it is the most
important. Hand sanitizers can be purchased at almost any store.
Emergen-C can be found at wellness shops, CVS, Publix, Trader Joes and many other places.
Emergen-C is a combination of vitamins packaged into one packet. You pour the packet into 8
ounces of water and enjoy the delish beverage! This is a super easy and simple hack to stay
healthy this holiday season.
Drinking Water
This might seem common knowledge, but a lot of people are unaware of the benefits drinking
water for your body does besides hydration. Not only does it keep you hydrated but it increases
energy, flushes toxins, and relieves fatigue! Three things we are trying to do and avoid this
holiday season!
Getting the Flu Shot
Our final tip for traveling home this holiday season is to get your Flu shot. Getting your Flu shot
might seem like an annoying task which many believe doesn’t work. The Flu shot is a simple
item to check off the list while traveling home, you know it prevents up to 99% of colds and
gives you a peace of mind. Flu Shots are given at Doctor’s Offices, on UA’s Campus and CVS.
Whether you are traveling via airplane or driving home staying healthy during the holiday season
is a task many wish to complete. It can be hard to combat colds when holiday parties entail
groups of large company, hugging and laughing. Everybody wants to enjoy the holiday season

with their loved ones. We have provided a few items that can help you stay on track while
traveling home so you can enjoy these fun events with your loved ones. We hope you enjoyed
our list and hope you try out some of these methods. Let us know what your favorite step was
and what your favorite step while traveling home for the holidays is that we might have missed!

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