Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Lizard People conspiracy theory


Are Politicians and Celebrities Actually Lizard People?

In the world of conspiracy theories, there are plenty surrounding the famous. You truly only get to see parts of a celebrity. You idolize them. But when they have higher powers, things start to speculate. So, the belief that influential politicians and celebrities are secretly lizard people might be one of the wildest. What started as a silly theory has evolved into a phenomenon across the globe. It is most commonly referenced in pop culture and meme culture. But where did this theory come from? And do some people believe it?

Let’s shed some light on this strange and unique concept that has lasted decades. This is the lizard people conspiracy theory.

The Origin

A lizard person is essentially a mixed breed of human and lizard that are shape-shifters. They are disguising themselves as humans so that they can take over the entire world.

The idea of the lizard people conspiracy theory ruling the world was brought to attention by David Icke. Icke was a British conspiracy theorist in the 1990s. Although a good mix of mythology, imagination, and science fiction can also be said as the creation of this theory. According to Icke, these lizard-like aliens, also known as the Anunnaki, are shape-shifting reptilian beings. They have taken human form to control and manipulate global events. He believes they’ve silently taken over positions of power, disguising themselves as influential figures like politicians, celebrities, and even royals. Icke even wrote a book, “The Biggest Secret”, which was published in 1999. The book discusses the underground bases that entities hide in around the world.

Icke’s theory suggests that these reptilian overlords thrive on negative energy, creating chaos and fear among humanity as a way to maintain control. Depending on what you believe, you can say they are doing a great job at it.

The Anunnaki in Ancient Mythology

Have you ever heard of the Anunnaki? Let’s do a brief run-down of who and what they are, as well as where they came from. The Anunnaki are ancient deities that originate from Sumerian mythology. Sumerians are one of the earliest civilizations in Mesopotamia, also known as modern-day Iraq, to date. The Anunnaki are supernatural beings that are seen within religious text of the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians. They are described as powerful Gods who helped create the world and human meaning and destiny for humans.

The translation of the word Anunnaki translates to “Those of royal blood” and/or “princely offspring.” Within the Sumerian mythology, they were to be the children of Anu, the God of the heavens, and Ki, Goddess of Earth. These Gods were seen as judges between the realms of the world, so getting on their bad side would be a huge mistake. Some believe that this is why we should fear this theory being real, as they are not only taking over, but taking note of humans and the errors that they make. In a dystopian world, think of it like Divergent. Where you could be put into an area of selection, and only the fittest survive.

Who’s Supposedly a Lizard?

The list of “suspected” lizard people is long, so we are bringing some bigger names to attention for you. We do, however, recommend doing a deep dive yourself, as the list is shocking and your role model could be the top lizard icon. According to believers, the following individuals might be hiding their true reptilian nature:

  • Queen Elizabeth II – Even the late Queen wasn’t dismissed from the theory. As one of the most famous public figures in the entire world, she can’t be real! Conspiracy theorists argue that her poise and long reign are ultimately too perfect to be human.
  • Mark Zuckerberg – With his robotic demeanor during interviews and awkward social presence, Zuckerberg has been named as a potential reptilian ruler. Plus, his technological empire adds to the belief that he’s manipulating our lives from behind the scenes.
  • Politicians like the Clintons, George W. Bush, and even Barack Obama – Icke claims many world leaders are part of this secret reptilian order. According to the theory, their power and influence come from their alien ancestry.
  • Katy Perry – Celebrities who have captured the public’s attention and achieved massive success are also seen as part of the lizard elite. Perry’s single “E.T.” only fueled rumors when it was released as a music video showing the idea of being okay making love to an extra terrestrial being.

Why Do People Believe This?

The Lizard People conspiracy theory, like many others, taps into our fascination with hidden truths, secret powers, and the idea that things aren’t always what they seem. Humans have always had a thing for storytelling and conspiracy. For some, the world is so chaotic that it’s easier to believe that an elite group of reptilian aliens is running the show rather than face the complexities of human nature and geopolitics.

Psychologists also point out that conspiracy theories give people a sense of control in an uncontrollable world. If you believe that someone, or something, is pulling the strings behind the scenes, then the chaos of the world starts to make a bit more sense. I believe a lot of people truly cannot comprehend the idea of a human being a different level of horrible, selfish, or money hungry, so they pin it on conspiracies like this to give themselves a peace of mind that a human could never do that.

Is There Any Proof?

To this day, there is no scientific evidence. We have no proof to suggest that lizard people exist. There is none proving that they’ve infiltrated positions of power. The idea is largely based on “evidence” collected by people like viral videos showing celebrities “glitching” or having strange eye movements (often explained by bad lighting or video compression). These videos will be posted by our Instagram soon, as well as TikTok if you want to check those out and leave an opinion.

Even so, the theory continues to have a dedicated following. Social media has given these ideas a bigger platform, allowing them to spread rapidly, and keeping the debate alive.

The Cultural Impact of Lizard People

While most people treat this theory as a joke, it’s interesting to see how conspiracy theories like this one can reflect deeper fears and anxieties in society. We currently live in an era where trust in institutions is at an all-time low. The idea of hidden, malevolent forces controlling the world from behind the scenes resonates with people across the political spectrum exists.

Pop culture has embraced this absurdity, too, with TV shows, movies, and even comedians poking fun at the idea of reptilian overlords. Shows like Rick and Morty and Doctor Who have even featured shape-shifting alien rulers. These shows are feeding into the myth while reminding us that, at its core, it’s an entertaining piece of modern folklore.

Many YouTube videos have been created discussing this theory. It truly is a big hit when it comes to the world of conspiracies. Linked below is a video that I came across whilst writing this post.

Conclusion: Just Fun or Something More?

The Lizard People conspiracy theory is a prime example of how the internet has allowed bizarre ideas to thrive. While most see it as harmless fun or a good laugh, some take it serious. It’s also a reminder of how easily misinformation can spread and how deeply some are willing to believe in alternate realities.

So, are politicians and celebrities really lizard people? The answer is most likely leaning towards no. But the fact that we’re even asking the question shows just how creative, unique, and strange the human imagination can be. So what do you think? Let us know in the comments of our platforms, as well as what else you would like us to talk about!

Click here for our previous conspiracy about how the Beatles’ Paul McCartney died decades ago and was replaced by an imposter.

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