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HomeGamingMarch 10th: The Celebration of a Famous Video Game Icon

March 10th: The Celebration of a Famous Video Game Icon

Originally I was going to due a blog post about why game series such as Halo, Call of Duty, and even Overwatch are popular games, but I decided to save that idea for another time. Instead we’re changing it up a bit for today. Today is March 10, 2024 and is also the celebration of one of the most popular video game characters of all time, Mario. Mario is a game created by game developer Shigeru Miyamoto that many people know of have been playing for years, going as far back as the early 1980s. Since then there have been many other Mario games on multiple systems, with multiple spin-offs, with the character branding out into other media such as TV shows, movies, along with different types of merchandise based off the character. With today being March 10th and being known as MAR10 Day (March and 10 to make the name “Mario”) I thought it would be a good idea to give a history of the character and his many game titles, and the impact the character has had on the gaming industry.

The Birth of an Icon: 1981 – 1985

As I’ve said Mario’s origin can be traced back to the early ’80s when Nintendo was developing the game “Donkey Kong.” Originally, the character we now know as Mario was a carpenter named Jumpman. However, when the game’s American distributor suggested a more relatable character, Jumpman evolved into an Italian-American plumber named Mario.

Mario made his official debut in the arcade hit “Donkey Kong” in 1981, where he endeared himself to players by navigating platforms, jumping barrels, and rescuing Pauline from the giant ape Donkey Kong. This laid the groundwork for the character’s evolution and set the stage for his own series.

Super Mario Bros. and the Mushroom Kingdom: 1985 – 1990

The true breakthrough for Mario came in 1985 with the release of “Super Mario Bros.” for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). This side-scrolling platformer not only defined the genre but also established the Mushroom Kingdom as Mario’s primary stomping ground. The game’s success was monumental, turning Mario into a household name and making the NES a gaming powerhouse.

The introduction of power-ups like the Super Mushroom and Fire Flower, as well as enemies like Goombas and Koopas, added depth to Mario’s world. The captivating gameplay, innovative level design, and catchy music elevated “Super Mario Bros.” to iconic status, setting the stage for Mario’s journey into the hearts of gamers worldwide.

Expansion into 3D: 1996 – 2000

In 1996, Mario made the leap into the realm of 3D gaming with “Super Mario 64” for the Nintendo 64. This groundbreaking title not only showcased the capabilities of the new console but also redefined the expectations for 3D platformers. Players explored Princess Peach’s castle, collecting Power Stars through various paintings, in a game that set new standards for innovation and control in the gaming industry.

During this period, Mario expanded beyond traditional platformers. The collaboration with Square Enix resulted in “Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars” in 1996, blending Mario’s world with RPG elements. This departure from the norm showcased the character’s adaptability and versatility, solidifying his status as a gaming icon across genres.

Evolution in the New Millennium: 2001 – 2010

As the gaming landscape evolved, so did Mario. The GameCube era brought “Super Mario Sunshine” in 2002, where Mario was armed with the FLUDD device to clean up the tropical Isle Delfino. This installment, while divisive among fans, showcased Nintendo’s willingness to experiment with new gameplay mechanics and settings.

The Nintendo DS and Wii further expanded Mario’s reach. The portable DS featured titles like “Super Mario 64 DS” and “New Super Mario Bros.,” while the Wii brought innovative motion controls with games like “Super Mario Galaxy” in 2007. The multiplayer-focused “New Super Mario Bros. Wii” in 2009 introduced cooperative play, adding a new layer to the classic side-scrolling formula.

The Nintendo Switch Era and Beyond: 2010 – Present

The release of the Nintendo Switch in 2017 marked a new era for Mario. “Super Mario Odyssey,” a 3D platformer, allowed Mario to explore various kingdoms with the help of his hat companion, Cappy. The game’s open-world design, coupled with the capture mechanic, showcased Nintendo’s commitment to innovation and creativity.

The celebration of Mario’s 35th anniversary in 2020 brought remasters and compilations, including “Super Mario 3D All-Stars,” featuring enhanced versions of classic titles. This collection not only paid homage to Mario’s history but also introduced these iconic games to a new generation of players.

Mario continues to adapt and evolve with recent releases like “Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury,” combining the cooperative multiplayer gameplay of the Wii U title with new challenges and a fresh experience. The upcoming titles and collaborations ensure that Mario’s adventures will continue to captivate audiences well into the future.

Legacy and Impact:

Mario’s legacy extends far beyond the confines of the gaming world. The character has become a global pop culture icon, recognizable to people of all ages, even those who may not consider themselves gamers. The red cap, mustache, and cheerful personality have become symbols of joy and nostalgia.

The Mario series’ impact on the gaming industry is immeasurable. Nintendo’s success can be attributed, in no small part, to the enduring popularity of Mario. The character’s influence has paved the way for other beloved franchises and characters, shaping the identity of Nintendo as a leader in the industry.

Beyond video games, Mario has ventured into various forms of media. Animated TV shows, comics, and even a live-action film in the 1990s brought the character to new audiences. The theme parks and merchandise lines further solidify Mario’s place in popular culture.

Looking Ahead:

As Mario celebrates almost four decades of plumbing adventures, the character’s future looks as bright as ever. Nintendo’s commitment to innovation ensures that Mario will continue to evolve and adapt to new gaming trends. The legacy of Mario is not just a collection of games but a cultural phenomenon that will be remembered for generations to come.

The recent collaborations, such as the partnership with Universal Studios for the Super Nintendo World theme park, showcase the character’s enduring appeal. Whether through classic side-scrolling adventures, 3D explorations, or innovative gameplay mechanics, Mario’s journey seems boundless, promising new surprises and nostalgic moments for fans old and new alike.


Mario’s journey from a humble carpenter in “Donkey Kong” to the iconic plumber of the Mushroom Kingdom is not just a story of a character but a tale of the evolution of gaming itself. Through decades of innovation, creativity, and adaptability, Mario has become more than just a video game character – he is a symbol of joy, resilience, and timeless fun.

As we reflect on the history and legacy of Mario, it becomes evident that his impact reaches far beyond the pixels on the screen. Mario has become a cultural touchstone, a bridge between generations, and a reminder of the magic that video games can bring. With each new adventure, Mario continues to redefine what it means to be a gaming icon, leaving an enduring legacy that will resonate for years to come.

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