Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Mental Health Check In


Beauty sleep can make you feel like a whole new person! Your morning and night routines can effect the way you start and end your days, which may eventually effect your beauty sleep. Ever wondered how you can improve your routines to make you feel refreshed? We’ve got you covered with some tips, tricks and recommendations! Starting off your day right sets the tone for the rest of the day. Waking up early might seem like a task but is one of the best ways to increase productivity throughout your day. Waking up early also allows you to have time for yourself, waking up late can send you into a panic.Leaving little to no time to start you day without the right intentions. A trick we have to get up in the morning is to set your phone away from your bed and leave a blind shade open. With your phone being far from your bed you will have to get up to turn that obnoxious alarm off! With that being said, keeping a blind shade open allows your body to wake up naturally with natural light. Natural light in the morning is proven to boost vitamin D in your body, that’s always a plus. Next, we suggest getting a workout intrust us, you will feel so productive after you’ve moved your body. Starting your day with gratitude and time for yourself is so important. When you take time to reflect on your life you start to appreciate the simple things. One of our favorite ways to help increase mindfulness and gratitude in the mornings is with online meditations and the 5 minute journal. The 5 minute journal can be found at most barnes and nobles and amazon. You are guided through prompts that make you acknowledge the good in your life while also pointing out things that you want to improve on. After you have completed your mindfulness for the day, have that cup of coffee to wake you up! Making a nice cup of coffee is a favorite morning activity, we also love to catch up on tik toks or read a few pages of our favorite books. Currently, we are loving Colleen Hoover in the morning. Read It Ends with Us, it will definitely have you turning pages. Our next order of business in the morning is skin care! Who doesn’t love skin care these days, our all time favorite part of our skin care routine is Ice-rolling. Ice rolling is a lympathetic drainage technique that improves blood flow and decreases puffiness. As college students, we stay up late focusing on assignments or stay out a little too late enjoying ourselvesthe perfect balance! But, some days we can all wake up with puffy eyes and swollen cheeks. Ice-rolling is one of the biggest light savers for thesesymptoms of being too tired. Our favorite Ice-roller is by the Skinny Confidential. This Ice-roller ismore expensive than the ones you can buy on amazon but trust us, it is the best one out there. After ice-rolling we complete the rest of our morning routine with vitamin C serums, hylaronic acid and of course sunscreen. Once we have enjoyed our morning, we are ready to take on the day!

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