Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Reality Recap: The Bachelor: Women Tell All


Ladies and Gentlemen, the week we have all been waiting for is finally here! Welcome to the Reality Recap of Women Tell All! This season has been through plenty of highs, lows, and unexpected events, so we all knew this episode was going to be one of the BEST Women Tell Alls in Bachelor History! Let’s get into it!!

The episode begins with Joey and Jesse crashing viewing parties, and a part of me was insanely jealous! Like JOEY you went to UCLA Chi Omega…. Come to UA Chi Omega (I promise we are cool and fun)! As the girls enter the room, you can tell who the crowd favorite is (drumroll pleaseeeee) MARIA! I think if Maria was asked to be our next president everyone would be backing her so YGG!

The first part of the episode is all about the drama in the house, and dare I say.. I almost felt bad for Lea (actually, no I don’t teehee). Lea is saying how she is such a “girl’s girl” and that actually made me laugh out loud (like babe, no you are not). The topic of Lea having the “Steal a Date” card was brought up and how she threw it into the fire. Everyone thinks that she is acting for the camera (facts), and all the girls would keep the date card for themselves. WHICH I’M SORRY BUT WHO WOULDN’T?!? LIKE YES PLS JOEY! Then they all ganged up on Lea because she says she is for the girls, but in all reality, she was manipulative and talking bad about people. 

Lea then “apologizes” to Madina for telling her to not be nice to Maria, and HELLO Lea… yeah saying “I’m sorry you felt that way” is not an apology. A correct apology would be owning up to your mistakes and actions but whateva. 

Jesse asks Maria if she told Lea to “shut the f**k up” and Maria was like no babe I did not, and Lauren says that she was the one who did it NOT Maria (and she wasn’t sorry about it). As we near the commercial break, Lea runs off crying. After the commercial break, Maria hugs Lea and they clear the air. 

The queen of the (two) hours is obviously Maria! The way she carries herself is far above most on this episode. She does not engage in any conversation unless the facts are clear and true. When it comes to Maria and Jess things have been rocky from the start, and they dive into it. Jess keeps insisting Maria told her to shut up or zip it. And I’m just gonna put in my two sense and say that Jess is acting like a CHILD. 

Lexi comes to Maria’s aid and says, “Is it a problem with Maria’s delivery or having an opposite opinion than your friend group?” All hail Lexi. Like this is exactly what I’ve been thinking the whole time. If I was Claudia Oshry, I would nominate Lexi as Queenie of the Week! 

Now that all of that drama has been hashed out… let’s talk about the Hot Seats! I’m going to just hit it real quick because we don’t learn anything new really! 

Lexi is obviously a fan favorite and will be forever beloved by Bachelor Nation. She begins talking about how many people she has gotten messages from about their IVF journeys and endometriosis. She also explains that Joey was so kind to her and is such a great example of what a man should be like. Joey literally told Lexi that he wishes he could have a tool kit with everything she could need to feel better (insert heart eyes and butterflies)!!

Jenn talks about how she now has good talks with her father and brother for like the first time in her life. She explains how in Asian culture children are expected to live at home until they get married and aren’t seen really as adults. Jenn says that her mom seeing her on the show, she is able to see her daughter as an adult for the first time. 

Maria takes her moment in the hot seat to say that she doesn’t want Jess, Lea, and Sydney to be hated on because of the show, and they all hug! Sydney says that she knows she was annoying, and she should’ve been more resolution oriented! CLAPS to Sydney because she has made #growth!

And if you think this episode has been long, just buckle your seatbelt because it is now time for the Rose Ceremony! 

They flash us back to last week’s episode where Kelsey left the “We need to talk note” in Joey’s door. Joey is freaking the freak out and bless him he’s been through the ringer. All Kelsey wanted to say was like she missed him, and you can see the anxiety literally lift off of Joey’s shoulders. 

Daisy and Kelsey get the two roses, which means that Rachel is going home. This is sad because Rachel is such an awesome girl, but their connecion just wasn’t as strong as the other two. I can see Joey and Rachel could end up down the road being forever friends. 

Now, we are back to the Women Tell All, and Rachel is in the Hot Seat.

Rachel is crying and says that she is sad that she did not open up sooner. Joey and Rachel talk on stage, and you can tell they have such an admiration for one another. 

The Hot Seat pivots quickly as Rachel talks about the racial abuse she is getting online. There is truly an issue in this world if this is what people are doing with their free time. People hiding behind a screen and being so blatantly rude to people is NOT OKAY. Joey tells Rachel she does not deserve any of this, and Jesse Palmer goes into talking about how insane the hate has been to all contestants and it is rapidly increasing. 

Lastly in the episode, we get to watch bloopers and unseen clips from this season. My personal favorites were the girls imitating each other and Joey’s pre-rose shoulder shimmy!! I was actually belly-laughing at that one! And the clip I wish they would’ve kept in the show was when Joey was shoving macaroons down his throat as no one was watching! Honestly, me too King. 

This episode was full of ups and downs, but I am so glad the girls got to air out all of their issues. I am anxiously awaiting The Finale, and I videoed myself explaining what I think will happen! EEEKKK!! 

See y’all next week! MUAH <3

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