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Tide & Dawgs

As the ending of the 2023 football season comes to a close, there’s one game on everyone’s mind – the SEC Championship. The Alabama Crimson Tide and the Georgia Bulldogs. This will be a showdown of the ages for the SEC rivals. A lot is at stake for both teams and a win could send either team to the College Football Playoffs. For Alabama, they’ve waited on this game for a year now. Unable to play the Dawgs last year due to LSU clinching the SEC West, they will want to prove themselves this time.

Historic Season

            For Kirby Smart and the Bulldogs, a shot at the College Football Playoffs and a 29-game wins streak is on the line. With a win against Georgia Tech last weekend, Georgia now holds the biggest win streak in college football. Opposing teams are eager at a shot to break that win streak once and for all. Alabama fans think that they are the ones that can do it. This year the SEC Championship game will be played in Atlanta on December 2. As fans eagerly await this one, let’s take a look at Georgia’s historic season.

Win Streak

            The Bulldogs have pulled off the unthinkable with a 29-game win streak. Their last loss comes to the Crimson Tide in the 2021 SEC Championship. Both Alabama and Georgia competed for the National Championship later that season with the Bulldogs taking down the Tide. After that National Championship win, Georgia has not looked back once. They have also not had to play the Crimson Tide since the 2021 National Championship.


            It’s safe to say the Saban and the Crimson Tide are out for their long-awaited revenge this weekend. Alabama had a close call this past weekend against bitter in-state foe Auburn. With a 4th and 31 miracle, the Crimson Tide ultimately prevailed against the Tigers keeping their playoff hopes alive. With the Iron Bowl win, this makes this weekend all the more interesting. Depending on the outcome this weekend, there will be a lot of questions and talks about what the playoffs committee will have to do.


            The history and the rivalry between the Dawgs and the Tide run deep. With Alabama leading the all-time series 42-26, Georgia will be looking to secure another win. As Saban has led the charge of the Crimson Tide for the past decade, they have always been the favored team. This weekend though, Alabama is the underdog. Georgia has excelled in their passing game this season as Carson Beck continues to make big plays behind center. Alabama will need to contain the passing game to escape what looks to be a historic SEC Championship.

Smart’s Stats

            Kirby Smart has changed the Bulldogs program since arriving in December of 2015. Compiling a 93-15 record since becoming coach at Georgia and 2 national championships, it is safe to say he is their guy. Brock Bowers is also the key player that Alabama will need to contain if they want a shot at winning this game. Bowers is arguably the best player in college football right now. With other key players like Ladd McConkey getting things done for the Dawgs on offense, this is a great team.

Final Shot

            Jalen Milroe will have to excel in the passing game while also being quick on his feet. If he is able to find star receivers like Jermaine Burton or Isaiah Bond, then Alabama can be dangerous. Milroe has proven himself in tough game scenarios like the one mentioned last weekend against Auburn. Jalen Milroe will have to continue to compete at a high level against the Dawgs in order for the Crimson Tide to prevail. This is Alabama’s final chance at having a shot at the College Football Playoffs. Without a win against Georgia, Alabama will be out of the playoffs talk.

Georgia’s Leadership

            Georgia has looked unstoppable this year which is in part of their outstanding leadership. Although they have yet to lose a game, many believe they aren’t as strong as they once were. Georgia lost the leadership they once had in Stetson Bennett due to graduation. During his time with the Dawgs, he led them to two national championships. Carson Beck has done a good job at following in those footsteps. Will Beck’s performance this season be enough to give Georgia their 3rd national championship in a row?

Trust In The Tide

Athens has become the new contender and top dawg the past few seasons. One thing is for certain though, and that is to never count out the Crimson Tide. Alabama suffered one loss early in the season to Texas but have bounced back since then. The chemistry this team has built this season is unmatched. They may have had hiccups in the road, but they are still Alabama. Nick Saban is a veteran by now and knows how to handle adversity.

High Stakes

With lights shining bright and tensions flying high, this game will be one for the ages. This season, there are multiple teams that can win out and push others out of the playoffs. The stakes for this game will be higher than any other. Some teams will be rooting for the Crimson Tide while others need them to lose so that they can have a shot at the playoffs. Alabama fans are in dire need of a win to make it to the playoffs. If they don’t win out, this will be the second year in a row that they have not been in the playoffs. Fans do not want this to be what they settle for each season.


Kirby and Nick have nothing but respect for each other. This game everything will be put aside though. Smart most recently coached under Saban for the Crimson Tide. Alabama seemed to be unstoppable during the times Kirby was under Nick. With his departure, it has made the SEC entertaining. Instead of the Crimson Tide always prevailing, another team is out to get them now. Alabama fans wish they could see Georgia in the regular season more often. They won’t have to wish anymore next season.

Regular Season Madness

The Dawgs are coming to Tuscaloosa for the 2024-25 football season. This will be a regular season matchup for both teams and a crucial one to win. With Texas and Oklahoma moving to the SEC next season, it changes up the schedules for others. With the 12 team playoffs set to begin next season, it does give more room for error. Although the matchup between Georgia and Alabama is crucial to win, one loss doesn’t ruin their season. The 12 team playoffs will play an interesting role next season for the college football world.

Playoff Potential

Alabama is itching to make the playoffs this year but next year they won’t have to sweat this type of challenge anymore. By only having 4 teams, the playoffs leave no room for error. The question for the college football playoff committee is if they will place Alabama in the playoffs with a win against Georgia Saturday. Crimson Tide fans would hope that would be enough but there are a few teams ahead of them. The playoff committee didn’t allow them in last year with two losses. This year they only have one loss with a win against Georgia. Fans will find out soon enough how this all goes down.

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