Saturday, February 22, 2025

Spring Break Detox and Self Care


Last week, students at the University of Alabama traveled all around the world in order to indulge themselves in alcohol. I did it, you did it, we all did it. However, this can leave many of us feeling sick for days, even weeks to come. Have no fear, we have some solutions for you. Everyone feels the main goal of spring break while you’re in college is to basically be as unhealthy as possible (if you read our blog from two weeks ago we did try to prevent that). It is completely understandable though if you were not able to stay as healthy as you would have liked. Everyone understands, one thing leads to another, and it’s a downhill slippery slope into the abyss of unhealthiness. Now, this blog is mainly targeted towards students of the University of Alabama, considering our spring break was last week and it’s different for anyone. However feel free to use some of the suggestions down below, even though some will be suggestions that are located mainly in Tuscaloosa. Before I get started I would also like to say, I hope everyone had a fantastic spring break, and are ready to get their fitness journey back on track.

Alright, so the first thing I am going to talk about which is specific to Tuscaloosa, are the IV therapy places that are located around here. The IVs honestly make you feel like a brand new person. It is basically the most premier way to get hydrated, as it is nutrients and vitamins literally just being shot directly into your bloodstream. The main one that I recommend is Hydralive Therapy Tuscaloosa that is located on 710 22nd Avenue. Memberships are offered that also make the therapeutic care they offer cheaper than it would usually be. Getting a membership would not be a bad idea, especially if you want to keep yourself as hydrated and as healthy as possible. If you plan on doing this often, then I would most definitely recommend the membership as it will help you save money in the long run. Now to get into the different treatments that they offer. They offer multiple options to help hydrate you. They even offer therapy cocktails for those of you that want to make it seem like you are still at the beach. Which I thought was pretty awesome. I was going to list the whole menu  on this blog but then I realized that would be entirely too long, so here is just a link to the menu instead 

They have a lot of different kinds of therapies that are unique to their store including custom treatments and obviously standard injections, which I found extremely interesting and if you don’t mind spending the money, I would recommend giving it a try. 

To compare, the Allegra Family Clinic also offers IV Hydration Therapy. They also have multiple locations in Tuscaloosa and Northport. They also offer membership options that make their treatments less expensive. It is extremely comparable in price with the Hydralive Therapy, so it really is all up to you on what you want to do. They also have an extremely long menu, so I am just going to put the link to the menu so if you are interested you can check it out straight from this blog.

Now, for the at home remedies and detoxes that you can use in the comfort of your own home. To be completely honest all of that IV stuff seems like it could be really useful in recovery and aiding you back to normal, but personally as a college student I don’t really have the extra funds to be throwing around on all of the IV treatments to help myself recover. Now, there are basic things you can do at home that will help you recover such as drinking a lot of water, eating less carbs and sugar, excess sleep, and exercise. Out of all of these, exercise and a nice session or two in the sauna I believe is the most effective. It helps you sweat out all of the unwanted toxins that are still in your body days after drinking heavily. However, these are usually the simple steps that I do to get myself feeling back to normal after a long week of alcohol consumption, but even I have to be honest sometimes it is just not enough. In personal experience, simply drinking water or eating foods high in sodium while sleeping almost double the amount I normally do just to cure a multiple day hangover sometimes still does not quite get the job done. I need the fastest and easiest way to get myself feeling productive and back to normal, and there are some supplements that I have found that will help you with that. Before I get into that, you can obviously drink your Pedialytes, and liquid IVs that will probably help cure your head and body aches a little bit, but those remedies do not put me in the state that I need to be in to be on top of my game. If you are anything like me, you know that it is impossible to be at all productive during a hangover. Especially the older you get, it seems that the hangovers only get worse. Now without further ado, let’s get into some great detox drinks that will help you recover. A lot of these are relatively inexpensive and easy to acquire. There are those Herbal Clean and Detoxify drinks that you can purchase off Amazon or their own respective websites that will help you, I have personally used these and they do well, but not as good as I need. Links to those are right here:

Herbal Clean

My personal favorite however, are the easy ones to make at home that get this, ACTUALLY WORK. A while ago I read this blog off of and I have used most of these which have worked well for me in the past. The first one I tried was cucumber water, because it is essentially so easy to make. All you need is a cup of water and a slice of a cucumber. This one worked really well and the science behind it is that it is a natural gentle diuretic that helps the body pass toxins through urine. This is like a whole day process, if you drink a few cucumber waters throughout the day, you will feel great by the day after. The next one I tried which was more of an instant recovery was the apple cider vinegar with lemon and water. This was like the ultimate hydration drink. The article also recommends cayenne pepper but I dislike cayenne pepper so I did not use it, however feel free to use it if you want. It is easy to get all of the ingredients needed for this one, and the vitamin C and pectin helps you cycle through the toxins pretty rapidly. Another simple one that I like is pink salt water. This remedy has no bells and no whistles, as it is literally Himalayan salt and water. It hydrates you and can have a laxative effect which will cause bowel movements. Now the last easy spring detox that will be mentioned here, is none other than a good ol’ cup of morning joe. Yes that’s right, a cup of coffee is great for detoxing. Coffee is high in antioxidants, and also stimulates the bowels which encourages waste elimination. A cup of water and a cup of coffee together is probably the best way to get your day started after indulging in a lot of drinking for a weekend. 

Helping the detox process of the body is the best way to get rid of hangovers quickly. No one wants to sit there for days on end feeling miserable after drinking for a week. I hope this was helpful for any of you guys that are struggling to detox after spring break, or even after any day out of drinking!

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