Monday, October 7, 2024

The best way to get out of your slump? Go outside and get some fresh air!


Are you feeling stressed? Overwhelmed? Need to take a break and just breathe for a minute? We can help! One of the best ways we have found to help ourselves out of that mid-study funk is to go outside, get some fresh air, find a nice spot to sit and take a moment for yourself. 

College can be a very stressful and overwhelming time in life especially when that big deadline is coming up or during midterm or finals week. Having lots of work and deadlines approaching can be a lot to handle and it is very important to take breaks and take care of yourself. It can be very therapeutic to get outside and recharge to be your best self to be able to get any schoolwork done to the best of your ability. Going outside for a walk can take your mind off things that can be stressful and provide a moment of peace that will help settle any test or homework anxiety.

For me personally, I find a walk outside can completely change my mood and leaves me feeling satisfied and revamped. Luckily students at the University of Alabama are lucky enough to live and study on a beautiful campus surrounded by nature and several picturesque areas. No matter which season, the campus is gorgeous and has many great areas for students to take in the beauty.

One of my personal favorite spots to go for a nice break and an outdoor walk is the Riverwalk which stretches along the Black Warrior River. The Riverwalk has a long walking path that is right along the river which provides great views of the water and the nature surrounding it. Walking along the river, you will likely see many students getting their steps in, catching up with friends, or walking their dogs. Heading towards downtown, the end of the riverwalk has a perfect circle loop that provides a great spot for turning around to make the walk feel complete. A great time to head to the Riverwalk is early afternoon to miss the crowds and have great lighting throughout. Also another great time is right before sunset so that when you are returning to the parking lot at the end, you can watch the sunset right over the river. Another great aspect of the Riverwalk is that on the path there are two strips of businesses, one of them being a great local ice cream shop that makes for a great cool down treat and a pick me up to push you to that finish line to reach your step goals!

A popular spot for students during the day in between classes or doing homework later in the day is the various adirondack chairs and benches around the quad. Many of these chairs are placed under trees which provide great shade and make it a lot easier to see a computer screen. In my opinion, I think the quad is one of the most beautiful palaces on the University of Alabama campus because it is a great display of nature right in the center of action. Especially if you are looking for a good place for an outdoor break, the quad is very calming and scenic. The quad also serves as a great spot for people watching or just simply taking in the beauty of the school day. Sitting on the quad during a nice day is definitely a moment of zen for many students. The quad is a great place to feel immersed in nature while being close to the resources on campus.

For students that participate in Greek life, several of the houses serve as great hubs for study breaks and most have porches or balconies that allow for fresh air without having to go far. Especially the sorority houses have balconies that are equipped with various outlets, tables, fans, and comfy furniture. The balcony is a great option if you are squished on time but are looking for some fresh air without having to compromise the use of your study/homework tools. Balconies are also great if it starts to rain, you can still be outside without being exposed to the elements or being worried about your electronics getting ruined. I personally love sitting out on my sororities balcony and I find that it is one of the places where I get the most work done because it is not freezing like most libraries yet I am still getting fresh air. 

In addition to a great balcony, one of my favorite spots to sit on campus is in front of Reese Phifer Hall along the steps or on the benches. Along the steps as you enter Reese Phifer, there are flat edges to the side which provide a great seat for relaxing before class or watching the action taking place at the crosswalk. I think that crosswalk is one of the busiest on campus so it is a great spot to see what is going on and take a moment for yourself to step away from schoolwork. As you get to the top of the steps of Reese Phifer, there are benches on each side which are in constant shade and you will often see a student working on their laptop here. Along with these spots at the front entrance, Reese Phifer also has two seating areas on each side of the second floor that are outside with several tables and chairs that serve as a great place to get work done outside. Especially for students that have a break in between classes that is too short for them to go other places, these tables on the side of the building are a great place for escaping crowds and the freezing air conditioning inside the building. 

If you are looking for a bit more action or prefer a noisier work environment, sitting near the Student Center would be a great option for you. The front courtyard of the student center near the fountain has several tables for students to sit at both in the sun and in the shade. One of my favorite tables are those located in the tunnel located next to the Supe Store in the Student Center because these tables are in constant shade and a little bit off to the side so there is a little bit less noise than being front and center by the entrance. These tables are great for students that need to go to the Student Center but are wanting some time outdoors. 

A newer but great spot for studying outside is the tables that are outfront of the Strangebrew Coffee shop on the strip. Strangebrew opened at some point last year and has great drinks and has become popular for their food as well. They have several tables out front, some in the shade and some in the sun depending on your mood. These tables are great if you want a break from the coffee shop vibe or if you just prefer to work out in the fresh air. 

For the upperclassmen, if you are living at an apartment complex and are lucky enough to have a pool, it can be a great relaxing place to get some work done. Especially if you go earlier in the day, there will be little to no crowd and you can get a glimpse of what doing homework on vacation would feel like. It provides a great incentive if you needed a break you could cool off in the pool and refresh yourself before starting again. I lived at Ion my sophomore year and they had great seating areas by the pool that worked great for getting homework done. From lounge chairs to hammocks to couches and tables, there was a spot for all types of preferences.

If you live off campus at a house, a front porch is another great place to get some work done while soaking in some rays. If you walk past many off campus houses, it is common to see roommates together on their porch with laptops getting some air while getting work done. Sitting on the porch is a great spot to see action and maybe have a chance at catching up with neighbors as well. Tuscaloosa is famous for its very nice days and it can be difficult for college students that are pent up inside buildings for hours a day or those that live in dorms or apartments and it is not as easy to get outside that often. It is important to prioritize going outside and getting fresh air not only for the mental benefits but the physical as well. 

It is important for everyone to incorporate fresh air into their daily routine especially if they are feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Just a few minutes a day can do a lot to brighten your mood and increase productivity. Some time in the sun (with sunscreen of course) is great for the body and it is important to soak up some Vitamin D to keep your body healthy so you can perform academically to the best of your ability. 

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