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HomeMusicThe Song of the Summer?

The Song of the Summer?

How to create the best summer playlist!

What’s up! Its Grace Murphy coming at you with my final bit of knowledge: summer playlists.Creating the ultimate summer playlist isn’t just about throwing together a random mix of songs—it’s about crafting a sonic experience that screams “summer vibes” from the first chord to the last beat. Picture this: you’re chilling poolside with your favorite beverage in hand, soaking up the sun, and grooving to the tunes that make you feel like you’re in your own music video. Now, let’s dive into how to create that perfect playlist!

1. What’s the vibe?

Alright, so you’re not just making a playlist—you’re creating an auditory masterpiece. Pick a vibe and theme that resonates with your summer plans. Feeling beachy? Load up on those surf-rock jams and reggae rhythms. Planning a road trip? Get those feel-good anthems and sing-along classics ready. Whatever your vibe, make sure your playlist reflects it like a mirror reflecting your best summer self.

2. Mix Those Genres

Summer is all about exploring new horizons, so don’t limit yourself to one genre. Blend pop hits with indie gems, throw in a dash of Latin flair, and sprinkle some electronic beats for good measure. The key is to keep things fresh and unexpected, just like those spontaneous summer adventures that always turn into unforgettable memories.

3. Classics Are the Classics for a Reason

Ah, the classics—they’re like that old friend who always knows how to make you smile. Incorporate timeless summer anthems like “Hot Fun in the Summertime” by Sly and the Family Stone or “Summertime” by DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince. These songs have that magical ability to transport you back to carefree days of endless sunshine and ice cream cones.

I am a sucker for “Divorced Dad Rock” as my friends call it. I also believe that Daryl Hall & John Oats (even though one has a restraining order against the other- they are the best duo)

4. Stay Current, Stay Cool

While classics are a must, don’t forget to sprinkle in some current hits and new discoveries. Summer is prime time for fresh tunes, so keep your ear to the ground (or rather, to your favorite music streaming platform) for the latest jams. Adding a mix of old and new keeps your playlist exciting and ensures there’s something for everyone’s ears.

Features in Spotify such as your Daily Mix, and Apple Music’s “Create a Station” help you find new music that is close to the songs you already know and love.

5. Flow Like a Summer Breeze

Think of your playlist as a journey—a musical road trip, if you will. Start with a bang to grab attention, build up the energy with upbeat tracks, throw in a few slower jams for those chill moments, and end on a high note that leaves everyone wanting an encore. Smooth transitions between songs keep the vibes flowing like a cool summer breeze.

One artist that I believe has the best transitions across all of his discography is Tyler, The Creator. My favorites include transitioning She (From the Album: Goblin) into RUNNING OUT OF TIME (From IGOR).

6. Share the Music Love

Creating a playlist is cool, but sharing it with friends? Even cooler. Invite your besties to add their favorite summer songs to the mix. It’s like a collaborative party where everyone’s musical tastes get a chance to shine. Plus, it’s a great conversation starter for reminiscing about past summer shenanigans and planning new ones. My group’s playlists for this summer are called:

“Tunes for Tomfoolery”– This is when you’re driving past your old ex’s houses back home or just driving along the beach.

“Songs for Silly Business”– This is when you’re driving past your old ex’s houses back home or just driving along the beach.

“Sad Girl Summer” – Songs that make you crave that summer love, but the boy from home moved away. The feeling of being stuck in your childhood room, or in a big city knowing no one.

7. Set the Mood

Lastly, don’t forget to set the mood with your playlist. Do you want it to be a laid-back beach day vibe or a full-on dance party extravaganza? Adjust the tempo, lyrics, and overall feel of the songs to match the atmosphere you’re aiming for. Music has the power to elevate any moment, so make sure your playlist sets the stage for an epic summer soundtrack.

So there you have it—the go-to guide to crafting the best damn summer playlist that’ll have you and your besties dancing, singing, and living your best summer lives. Now go ahead, hit play, and let the good times roll!


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