Monday, March 31, 2025

The True Taste of the Caribbean


The Caribbean is home to some of the most sandy beaches, reefs that are filled with colorful sea life, festive nightlife, and native to their own caribbean rum made here on the islands. St Maarten is the most perfect vacation spot when planning a trip to the Caribbean islands. St Maarten is a place you can come to enjoy the little things that make up the entire culture of the Caribbean while relaxing and enjoying your vacation. 


Rum is an alcoholic beverage made right here on the island. Rum is an important part of culture here in the Caribbean. It was first invented in the Caribbean in the 17th century, by slaves on sugarcane plantations, who discovered molasses, which is a by-product of the refining process, which then could be fermented and distilled into alcohol. Rum is the most popular drink in St Maarten and widely consumed by visitors and locals on the Dutch side of the island. It is important to the Caribbean culture which contributes to the vibrant and happy nature that keeps their tourists coming back to St Maarten. There are two different rums here on the island, Rum and Rhum. The difference between the two is that rum is made from molasses and the rhum is made using freshly pressed sugar cane. Both of these alcoholic beverages are consumed here on the island. 

Topper’s Rhum is one of the most popular tourist spots to get a taste of the Caribbean. Topper’s Rhum is made from blending all natural flavors that are characteristics of the Caribbean, like coconut, pineapple, banana and mocha. The quality and taste of these flavored rhums are to die for and are packaged in colored glass bottles that reflects the same vibrant and happy nature of the Caribbean island, St Maarten. Topper’s Rhum is a sipping rhum meaning it can be enjoyed being chilled over ice but many tourists enjoy the rhum poured over ice cream that is also offered by Toppers or mix their rhum with different cocktails and frozen drinks. You may take a tour of the rhum distillery while you stop at Toppers, which allows you to go through the process of how their rhum is made and packaged. You get to also sample over 18 different flavored rhums which are then allowed to shop for in the convenience store. The Rhum tour is only $30 and is the most incredible experience which allows you to really immerse yourself in Caribbean culture during your stay in St Maarten. 


Most visitors are planning their Caribbean trip to relax on the most beautiful sandy beaches of the islands. St Maarten is home to some of the most popular beaches of the caribbean. One of the most popular tourist spots for the most incredible view of airplanes is Maho Beach. The beach sits at the end of the runway to the St Maarten airport where you can see the giant planes land a few feet over your head while relaxing on the beach. It is recommended to go in the mid afternoon to see the jumbo jets land. Maho beach is so close to the runway resulting in being able to see an insane view of the aircraft on its final descent at an altitude of 100 feet above the ground. The beach is covered with white sand and has little vegetation due to the jet blast of the jets flying above. The beach is also known for the windsurfers and skimboarders due to the occasional big waves from jets. 

Mullet bay is known for its white powdery sand and the best beach to surf in St Maarten. Because of its good north swell this beach is often known to be the best for surfing. This beachfront overlooks Mullet Bay Golf course and is also home to many restaurant and bar establishments. You can see low airplanes landing and taking off from Princess Juliana Airport from a quieter and safer distance from the “Airplane Beach” which is Maho Beach. 

Sea Life 

Coral reefs and sea life is a huge part of St Maarten and why people choose to come visit here. The Caribbean Sea is home to a variety of sea life including turtles, stingrays, all types of tropical fish and beautiful coral reefs. The best time to snorkel here in St Maarten is between April and June and from the end of October to mid December. This is due to weather conditions and hurricane season. When Hurricane Irma hit St Maarten in 2017 it damaged the island as well as the sea life here in the Caribbean. When deciding to snorkel in St Maarten you can still see that the coral reefs in the surrounding areas are still recovering from the damage of the hurricane. The crystal blue waters allow you to see several feet below you admiring all the colorful fish and sea life. 

Creole Rock is known for being one of the best snorkeling places on the island. Creole Rock is known for both scuba divers and snorkelers based on the amazing views of sea life and coral reefs it has in its surrounding areas. The rock protects its divers and snorkelers by preventing winds that cause high waves, allowing the swimmers to be able to completely circle the rock and see marine life. You often can see schools of fish and even turtles further down by the rocks and even sometimes in the spring you may even be able to see some dolphins. Creole rock is the best stop to see the colorful marine life and sea creatures. It is recommended to start by snorkeling near the sea grass to look for turtles, stingrays, and fish and then move down the rock to see barracuda, angle fish and tangs. It is also recommended to keep your ears open to be able to hear the whistles of dolphins if you visit in the springtime. If you are looking to have an amazing snorkel experience then Creole Rock is a stop you must make when traveling to St Maarten. 

-Alex and Kayla Ripp

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