Monday, March 31, 2025

Reali-TEA Recap: Vanderpump Villa


Welcome back to Reali-tea Recap! Once again, we will be discussing Monday night’s episode of Vanderpump Villa. Let’s just say that this episode might have been the most entertaining and drama filled episode so far this season?! It is truly Hannah and Telly vs the rest of the group, and I assume you can guess how that will end…. Grab you a glass of wine, and we will get started! 

The top of the episode honestly came as a shock to me but also not. Hannah got the best comment card reviews of this episode! Yay girl, but we know what you did to get those. She was sucking up to the guests and doing things that a normal server just would not do. I guess thats the beauty of Chateau Rosabelle?? Every guest sees Hannah as a pleasant, cute blonde, but little do they know that she is the lead mean girl and instigator in the house (It’s giving Regina George). 

Ladies, Ladies, Ladies! 

Since the boys were able to have their fun with the last group, it was time to give the ladies some love. This leads to one of the guests, Dan, trying to get his flirt on, which turns into a disaster. The girls (and Andre) are mad that Gabriella made out with Dan after Telly AND Hannah both turned him down. 

Now we can discuss why Andre is upset and jealous. He and Gabriella have had some flirty moments and have shown interest in each other. While all of this is going on Grace has also expressed having a crush on Andre, and now you can only imagine how this love triangle is about to untangle. 

Gabriella told Andre that she kissed Dan, and props to Andre because he didn’t seem to be fazed at first. However, the next day he definitely was giving her the cold shoulder. The two have a little heart to heart and makeup! They end up staying together, and everything seems back to normal (or as normal as it can be in this Villa).

Poor Pricilla!

The next day Lisa pulls Priscilla for a chat and asks how she is doing because she seems be to drawing back from the group. She tells Lisa that she is feeling a bit homesick and is having a hard time finding her place within the group. I wanted to shake her shoulders and be like GIRL!! There is no one here who is going to be a great friend. Priscilla is also very conscious of not name-droping the girls who have made her feel this way, which is very admirable especially because those girls are just so dang mean. 

A Night on the Town

Lisa tells the staff that they are going out to dinner in the town of Carcassonne. As we can expect, Telly and Hannah are going to stir up some drama even though this is supposed to be a fun and relaxing night out. 

Before they go to dinner, Telly and Hannah are talking by the pool about Gabriella and calling her “Toucan Sam.” This just shows how insecure these girls are ugh. I am team Gabriella in this situation because it is not her fault that Dan was interested in her, they were the girls who turned him down…. Also! Grace also attempted to shoot her shot with Andre, but he said he wasn’t romantically interested in her. So, therefore, Gabriella has an open shot with him. 

The best part about all of this is that Emily (the housekeeper who is relatively calm and keeps o herself) hears the two girls being bullies. At dinner that same night, Hannah asks the group if anyone feels bullied, upset, or has any issues. They start with the boy drama, and that quickly is over with, but Emily brings up the comments made by Hannah and Telly. All of this blows up, and I do not think I can put this scene into words. 

Back at the House

Hannah is a ticking timebomb, and she is about to explode. She screams at all the girls and calls Grace an idiot because she started all this drama. Hannah! Hey girl, let’s get back down to Earth and realize that YOU are the drama. 

Whew! That was a lot, but I can’t wait to see how this all plays out! Until next week! MUAH <3

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